Thursday 25 November 2010


angel (2006)
...every time a bell rings,
an angel gets his wings...

From the Frank Capra classic
"It's A Wonderful Life" (1946)

Thursday 18 November 2010


feet (2005)
...Up where the girls fly
On ribbons and bows,
Where babies float by
Just counting their toes...

From the song "Wonderful Baby" by Don McLean (1975)

Thursday 11 November 2010


stairs (2001)
... And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me...

From the song "Angels" by Robbie Williams (1997)

Thursday 4 November 2010


waves (1994)
I’m the shifting sands
Waves on the shore
A leaf caught in the breeze
I‘m a rock in the surge
Sun, moon and stars
The roots that feed the trees

A poem "Who am I?" by Tia Gow (Oct 2010)